WBYO Accelerando
WBYO Accelerando is an EU-supported project to advance the Western Balkans Youth Orchestra (WBYO) development.
The Western Balkans Youth Orchestra (WBYO) is a groundbreaking initiative establishing an orchestra of young professionals from the entire Western Balkans. The WBYO seeks to unite the region's youth, breaking down barriers and fostering long-lasting peace, featuring genres from classical to pop and rock music.
The platform for young musicians will work across national, ethnic, religious, and cultural divides, contributing to ongoing cross-border and interethnic cooperation.
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Country Name
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Concerts Overview
Check out our concert calendar and join us for an unforgettable experience!
Concerts Summer 2025
Stay tuned for the announcement of dates and cities!
WBYO collaborates closely with its local partners and audition organizers in all six non-EU countries of the Western Balkans.
More info about the application process for the WBYO Summer 2025 tour will be announced soon.
The Musicians’ Selection Process of the Western Balkans Youth Orchestra
Dear young musicians,
Welcome to the audition website of the Western Balkans Youth Orchestra. We appreciate your interest in the WBYO!
WBYO works very closely with its local partners and audition organisers in all six non-EU countries of the Western Balkans and other EU countries. They are responsible for all suggestions regarding the application of young professionals from their countries, and we appreciate this collaboration very much.
The selection process for the WBYO summer & winter 2024 seasons will be implemented through an online application process, which will take place from February 7 to April 27, 2025.
For a smooth and quick registration for the auditions, it is crucial that you read the conditions of participation (below) carefully.

First Round
First Round
All young music professionals born/originated between 01 January 1998 and 31 December 2009 in the non-EU Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia) and holding a high/advanced level of musical education are invited to go through the application process for the WBYO Summer 2025 season.
Young professionals from other Western Balkans countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Romania, and Slovenia) and from other EU countries are also strongly invited to submit their applications for the WBYO. The WBYO Accelerando project provides a panel of online auditions.
You must select the country of your birth as your Audition/Application Country.
As part of the first round of the online auditions, you will need to include a link to a Video Recording (click here for more information about the application processing and all requested Orchestral Parts) in your application (which you should upload to YouTube/Vimeo, as an “unlisted” video – do not choose the “public” or “private” setting). Deadline for the application’s submission is April 27, 2025.
You can also send your videos by email, sending us a (or similar) link to
All submitted videos will be judged by a specialist (selected by the WBYO) in your instrument.
There is one application form for all countries of the WB (and EU) to use.
Successful candidates will be informed as soon as possible after the first round, generally up to four weeks after the application deadline, that they will be invited to the final round.
Please note that it can take up to three weeks until the first-round results are sent out due to the possibly high number of candidates.
Second (Final) Round
Second (Final) Round
All successful candidates of the WBYO Summer 2025 season’s first audition round will be invited to send recordings of three selected parts of the current concert program of the Summer & Winter orchestra residencies within two weeks after the invitation. These videos can be sent via email to
The selected parts by will be presented here.
You will be heard by ONE experienced WBYO panel member for both audition rounds.
Our audition process is designed to ensure fairness across different instruments and countries. This is our highest priority. Your audition is only the first stage of our judging process, as an extensive moderation process follows it to guarantee fairness.
Candidates will be asked to include in their application a recording of a piece of their choosing (e.g. a movement from a concerto, sonata, etc., max. duration of 5 minutes) and ALL this year's WBYO Orchestral Extracts. The recording should be in one take and uploaded on YouTube (choose the "unlisted" option; no "public" or "private" video option). The candidates can also send a video link to
NOTE: If there may have been an error while submitting your form, you can resubmit the application form.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How does the selection process work? Read more!
A "must read" before applying.
These rules and regulations apply to new applicants for the summer 2023 WBYO: All Summer & Winter 2024 Orchestra applicants must be aged between 16 and 27 (born between 01 January 1997 and 31 December 2008). All applicants should hold passports from one of the six non-EU countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina), Read more!
Audition recommendation and requirements
How can aspiring WBYO players be better prepared for an audition? We have asked ourselves this question, and we have come up with some help for you in the form of videos made by our tutors, in which some of the most troubling issues are dealt with. You will better understand how to prepare by looking through these resources. Read more!
Leader Application
Apply to be the Leader of the WBYO. The Western Balkans Youth Orchestra is searching for an orchestra leader for the Orchestra’s Summer & Winter 2024 seasons. Read more!
Welcome to the Media Section of the Western Balkans Youth Orchestra (WBYO Accelerando)
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Support Us
The Western Balkans Youth Orchestra (WBYO Accelerando) is supported by organizations, foundations, and individuals who are committed to contributing to ongoing cross-border and interethnic cooperation in the region, breaking down barriers and fostering long-lasting peace.
Our supporters in this journey